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Why Do I Have Bunions?

Why Do I Have Bunions?

If you avoid wearing sandals because of a painful, bony bump that sticks out from the base of your big toe or pinky toe, you may have a bunion. 

Bunions occur when some of the bones of your foot move out of place and the big toe or pinky toe gets pulled inward toward the rest of your toes. The skin stretched over the bunion might be sore and red.

What causes bunions?

The exact cause of bunions is unknown but it is thought that wearing tight or narrow shoes can cause bunions or make them worse. Arthritis contributes to bunions, and bunions may develop as a result of a foot deformity. The following may increase your risk of developing bunions:

  You may notice a bulging bump on the base of your big toe or pinky toe that feels sore or swollen. The bunion may cause limited movement of your big toe, constant pain, or pain that comes and goes.

While most bunions don’t require medical treatment, you should schedule an appointment with the podiatrists at Advanced Foot & Ankle Care if your bunion causes pain or limits the movement of your big toe or foot.

Home treatment of bunions

The best way to prevent bunions is to select shoes that fit properly without squeezing or placing pressure on any areas of your feet or toes. Look for shoes with a wide area for your toes rather than a pointy one, and make sure your longest toe does not rub against the end of the shoe.

There are several nonsurgical treatments you can try at home to relieve the pressure and discomfort of a bunion:

Schedule an appointment with your podiatrist if your do-it-yourself treatment methods don’t offer relief.

Surgical treatment of bunions

Surgery is an option for bunions causing severe pain. There is no single surgery reserved for the treatment of bunions, instead, your podiatrist determines the best strategy based on your unique situation.

Possible treatment options include removing the swollen tissue around the big toe joint or straightening the big toe by removing part of the bone. In some cases, joining the bones of the affected joint permanently into a better position can offer relief, while other options may entail surgery to realign one or more bones in the foot to correct the angle of the big toe joint.

Some people walk after bunion surgery while others require weeks or months to fully recover. To prevent the recurrence of the bunion, you will need to commit to wearing proper shoes after you recover.

Bunions are commonly treated by the experienced team of podiatrists at Advanced Foot & Ankle Center. If the shape of your foot is changing or you experience pain, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

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